Top Tips for Using Smart Devices for Work - Part 1

September 03, 2017

Top Tips for Using Smart Devices for Work - Part 1

Few professions exist these days in which a smartphone, tablet, or laptop computer isn’t required. Folks who only a few years ago shunned the thought of swiping screens and sending text messages are now engaged in a mobile network and web activity on a daily basis. Whether you’re a carpenter, designer, doctor, lawyer, marketer, programmer or plumber, there’s a smart device in your possession used frequently, no doubt about it.

With that said, many of us use these devices without putting much thought into whether or not we’re doing it the right way. While there is no true “right” choice covering every career path, each profession, and business venture has an individual set of needs and responsibilities, of which the right combination of mobile tech variables can help make easier to accomplish.

Here are the top tips for using smart devices for work:

The Right Apps

Mobile devices, no matter how fancy and state-of-the-art, are only as good as the applications installed on them. Otherwise, it’s just a really expensive phone or email machine. Which apps are the right ones to install?

If the business depends on collaborative efforts there are a variety of team-focused apps which can be used. Additionally, there are apps suited for just about every enterprise, things like inventory trackers, tax assistants, and user-friendly mobile versions of spreadsheet software.